Wednesdays with Tate and Jace

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Not to be confused with Tuesdays With Morrie. I assure you, Wednesdays with Tate and Jace are absolutely nothing like Tuesdays with Morrie!

They're a LOT more fun.

See, my wonderful sister-in-law works on Wednesdays at a dentist's office. So while she's there ("numb me . . .drill me . . .floss me . . .bill me . . .") we get to play with her darling, darling boys. We've been going at this for a few weeks now, and it's working out really well! Bethany gets the "sibling experience," (i.e., sharing her toys and my time and attention) and I get to bond with my adorable nephews, including lots of snuggles and smiles from two-month-old Jace. (AND I get a total biceps workout, since Jace's comfort mechanism of choice is to be bounced. Wow. I feel the burn.)

Anyway, it's been a positive experience for all. Bethie has enjoyed playing with Tate:

And snuggling with Jace (although I'm not too sure Jace enjoyed this particular snuggle):

Tate is the cutest big brother. Every so often, he'll kneel by the baby and rub his head against Jace's head. Then his (normally husky and low) voice goes SUPER high and he says, "Hi Jacey! Hi Jacey!" while he's nuzzling him. It's the cutest thing.

And I get to kiss THESE cheeks all day without once hearing, "Mo-om! Don't KISS me! I don't LIKE lipstick!" (Which I may or may not hear in my normal, day-to-day life.)

Oh, and in case you didn't catch those cheeks and want to see them again:

And judging from the kids' reactions, I'm a VERY exciting and entertaining caretaker:

Never a dull moment with Aunt Jenny. Nope. Anyway, the whole thing has been really good for both Bethany and me. I'm grateful for this chance to forge a stronger relationship with my nephews! And, although changing a baby boy's diaper is definitely a different experience, with the "outdoor plumbing" and all, I'm proud to say I've not taken one single shot to the eye . . .yet. :0)