Monday, March 5, 2012
So yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, I was sending out some emails and Bethany was totally BORRRRED. So I gave her my camera and told her to have fun and go crazy. And she did. (I love an obedient child!) First, she decorated a headband with all kinds of flowers and had us pose. Move over, fashion models everywhere!
Mom, the "Surprised and Overjoyed to be Wearing a Flowered Headband" Look:
Bethany, the "Cool, Bad-to-the-Bone While Wearing a Flowered Headband" Look:
Daddy, the "Sure, I'll Wear This Thing Because I'm Wrapped Around Bethie's Finger" Look:
And if those weren't enough, she took even MORE pictures--stellar photography, each one of them, including things like . . .
Her chore chart:
Her pink polka-dot skirt:
The piano (albeit a little crookedly):
Me at the computer again (if you're wondering how I look as I blog, folks--why, this is it--mad scientist hair and all)!
Daddy reading a book:
And then she posed for a few herself:
Needless to say, 15 minutes later she had taken over 200 photos. I'll spare you the MANY shots of the carpet, the ceiling fan, the couches, the 20 pictures of her skirt, the walls, the close-ups of my shirt . . .
But she certainly had a good time! And I got my emails out. And then my memory card erased. And then the camera battery recharged. Hooray for the digital age! (Whatever did the pioneers do when they had to entertain their children so they could send out some emails? There's only so many times you can send a kid out to gather buffalo chips! :0)
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