Field Trip! OR "We Got a Friend at Lee's!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On March 15th, 2012, I got to do one of my favorite things . . .go on a preschool field trip with Bethie. Before we left, I got the added bonus of watching Bethany be the V.I.P. at school. That means she got to hold the flag and lead the Pledge of Alligence (looking really cute, I must say):

Then after the pledge, we piled into cars and went to Lee's Marketplace to see all of the cool "behind the scenes" things. And we did, indeed, find that we had "a friend at Lee's," as their slogan proudly boasts. We had the cutest employee man friend (see photo above) who took us on the GRAND TOUR--and I have to admit, it was fascinating!

First we said hello to the florist, then went right into the bakery. And that's where I discovered that I chose the right career path, because the baker starts working at 1:00 a.m. every morning! (Now that's dedication . . .and just a little insanity.) Here we are in the bakery:

The bakery was pretty dang cool, with an oven almost as big as my entire kitchen. They put racks and racks of cookies in there at a time, which all turn 360 degrees the entire time they're cooking. Very interesting! And get a load of the size of that mixer in the photo above!

Next, we went to the butcher. The kids all loved that, as he showed us how to shrink-wrap meat. (Talk about cool technology!) He also showed us a glove that would have put Michael Jackson to shame--it was a chain-link glove that protected his hands when cutting meat. We all got to feel it . . .very cool.

After seeing the butcher and the baker, we stopped to say "Hello!" to the candlestick maker. (Couldn't resist.) We actually got to go into the freezer, which was very, very, very cold!

And then into the huge fridge, which was very cold (only ONE very after experiencing the freezer.) But it was impressive all the same.

Then after the tour, we got to sample a doughnut--YUMMY. Doughnuts, I've decided, are the American way.

A big "Thank you!" to Lee's Marketplace for a really fun day! (Gosh, to properly thank them, I should go to their store at least five times a week and completely hand over any and ALL of my monies. Oh wait--that's what I already do. We'll keep the status quo, then. :0)