Field Trip! OR "We Got a Friend at Lee's!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On March 15th, 2012, I got to do one of my favorite things . . .go on a preschool field trip with Bethie. Before we left, I got the added bonus of watching Bethany be the V.I.P. at school. That means she got to hold the flag and lead the Pledge of Alligence (looking really cute, I must say):

Then after the pledge, we piled into cars and went to Lee's Marketplace to see all of the cool "behind the scenes" things. And we did, indeed, find that we had "a friend at Lee's," as their slogan proudly boasts. We had the cutest employee man friend (see photo above) who took us on the GRAND TOUR--and I have to admit, it was fascinating!

First we said hello to the florist, then went right into the bakery. And that's where I discovered that I chose the right career path, because the baker starts working at 1:00 a.m. every morning! (Now that's dedication . . .and just a little insanity.) Here we are in the bakery:

The bakery was pretty dang cool, with an oven almost as big as my entire kitchen. They put racks and racks of cookies in there at a time, which all turn 360 degrees the entire time they're cooking. Very interesting! And get a load of the size of that mixer in the photo above!

Next, we went to the butcher. The kids all loved that, as he showed us how to shrink-wrap meat. (Talk about cool technology!) He also showed us a glove that would have put Michael Jackson to shame--it was a chain-link glove that protected his hands when cutting meat. We all got to feel it . . .very cool.

After seeing the butcher and the baker, we stopped to say "Hello!" to the candlestick maker. (Couldn't resist.) We actually got to go into the freezer, which was very, very, very cold!

And then into the huge fridge, which was very cold (only ONE very after experiencing the freezer.) But it was impressive all the same.

Then after the tour, we got to sample a doughnut--YUMMY. Doughnuts, I've decided, are the American way.

A big "Thank you!" to Lee's Marketplace for a really fun day! (Gosh, to properly thank them, I should go to their store at least five times a week and completely hand over any and ALL of my monies. Oh wait--that's what I already do. We'll keep the status quo, then. :0)

Miracle of Miracles!!

The past few weeks have been weeks of rejoicing! On Monday, February 27th, 2012, we were sitting on the floor, organizing Bethany's gospel art picture kit into chronological order (her idea)for Family Home Evening, when I stood up to stretch my legs and walk around a bit. I happened to pass by our computer, and as usual, I jiggled the mouse to see if I had any new emails (a very firmly entrenched habit of mine). Well, I noticed I had an email from a person I didn't know. So I wondered who it was from and started reading.

To my GREAT surprise, it was from a birth mother who had been working with Sandy at our Logan LDS Family Services. (To protect her identity, I won't use her name.)She was trying to find the right family for her baby boy. I just sunk down into the chair in front of the computer and said, "Oh my gosh! We just heard from a birth mother!" James was startled, "WHAT??" and rushed over the computer. So we read her email aloud, together. After nearly every paragraph, we had to stop to gape at each other--everything she said was so perfect and felt so right. We couldn't believe it. By the time we finished reading the letter, we both had tears in our eyes. We both felt an incredible rush of "rightness" about her, about the baby, about the birth father--about the whole thing. It was an email straight from Heaven and, after reading it several times, we spent the next couple of hours responding. Best Family Home Evening ever.

And then the next morning, we woke up and wondered if we had dreamed the whole thing. So we had to read everything all over again. And then pinch ourselves.

We corresponded (by email) with this wonderful lady over the next 10 days or so, and then on March 9th, we got to meet her at LDS Family Services. We were so nervous and excited! After hearing in one of her emails that she had been craving fruit--especially strawberries--we put together this strawberry-themed basket as an "It's great to meet you!" gift:

We even scrapbooked a card to match--all three of us doing our part. We were actually pretty proud of the results--we've never made a card before but we patterned this one after one designed by a friend of mine:

As the clock ticked down to 3:00 (our meeting time) we got even more nervous and excited. (I actually was so nervous I walked around with hand towels under my arms to keep myself dry and powder fresh, which Bethany thought hysterically funny. But hey, it worked.) Then, just before three, James came to pick me up. We dropped Bethany off at a friend's house, then headed to LDSFS.

As we sat in the lobby and waited to go back to Sandy's office (and looking very conspicuous with our strawberry basket), an absolutely beautiful young woman walked into the agency. She immediately knew us from our pictures and we all hugged and started talking, right there in the lobby. When Sandy came to get us, she was surprised to see we were already there and talking to each other! We all went into her office and talked for an hour or so--it was a wonderful meeting. In fact, we were so enjoying talking with her that we completely forgot to take any pictures. (I'm still kicking myself for that one!)After the meeting, we walked her to her car and then we all left. We were on Cloud Nine, because this meeting was when our birth mother told us she had chosen us "for sure." We were told to get ready for a baby boy!

We were going to wait to announce our news to family and friends, but we were DYING to tell somebody! And we needed to celebrate! So we picked up Bethany and went to eat out at Costa Vida. At this point, I remembered that I had forgotten to take pictures so I started snapping away. Here are James and Bethany at our "celebration" dinner out!

After the dinner, we still felt like shouting our news to the world, so we considered our options. We didn't have much time, because we had somewhere we needed to go that night, so we couldn't climb the tallest mountain and shout into a megaphone. So we settled on surprising my parents with some balloons. Bethany just walked right into their house with balloons. It was a great reaction!

That's all we had time for before we had to rush to (ironically!) an LDS Family Services workshop. Bethany came with us, as there was a child care class during our meeting. Then after our meeting, she started telling everyone who would listen that she was getting a baby brother! She's so excited . . .we all are!

Since that day, we've been able to meet with our wonderful birth mother AND our wonderful birth father. Last week, our birth mom came to Sunday dinner with her sister and her husband--we had such a great time and we did remember to take pictures! Then this past Sunday, our birth mother brought our wonderful birth father (again, no names to protect identity) to our home for dessert. We had a great time with them and my face hurt from so much laughing!

We are just feeling incredibly blessed. This situation feels so different--so much better--than what we experienced last fall. This just feels so right. We've already started working on the nursery and preparing in other ways, as this little guy is due on May 9th! We ask our family and friends to please pray for our birth mother and our birth father, that they'll have comfort and peace and strength. We already love each of them so much! And we'll keep you posted . . .:0)

Sled Utah!

Monday, March 26, 2012

So, what I'm about to admit sounds absolutely terrible . . .we don't ski. And we've lived in Utah all of our lives. We're traitors to our license plates. We do not "Ski Utah" And now you know. But we DO "Sled Utah" and I'm about to call the DMV and formally request a "Sled Utah" license plate for all of us who actually DON'T strap wooden slats to our feet and barrel down a mountainside (i.e., the sane people of the community--just kidding Annette).

But we DO put plastic sleds under our bottoms to barrel down mountainsides, and that's just what we did at stake ski (ahem, "sled") night on March 8th! And we had so much fun in the mountains and in the snow, with a full moon in the night ski above us, that it almost persuaded us to try skiing . . .almost. Perhaps next year.

And actually, folks, the REAL reason I haven't taken up skiing is because I do not have a proper ski bunny outfit. When you look like this . . .

It doesn't exactly inspire one to hit the slopes. (And yes, those are pastel pink snow pants from the 1980's. And no, I am not colorblind.) Anyway, here are some fun pictures from our snowy adventure at Beaver Mountain!


A girl, a sled, and her daddy:

(An action shot)

In case you can't tell, Bethany was having a blast!!! And here she is, working hard and trudging up the mountainside . . .

Getting ready to ride:

And it's always fun to run into a friend in the mountains:

Especially if you can convince her to haul you around:

And then everyone gets to ride!

And after a few hours of fun, we called it a night. We didn't get to enjoy a whole lot of snow this winter, but by dang, we enjoyed what we had! Sled Utah!!

Budding Photographer

Monday, March 5, 2012

So yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, I was sending out some emails and Bethany was totally BORRRRED. So I gave her my camera and told her to have fun and go crazy. And she did. (I love an obedient child!) First, she decorated a headband with all kinds of flowers and had us pose. Move over, fashion models everywhere!

Mom, the "Surprised and Overjoyed to be Wearing a Flowered Headband" Look:

Bethany, the "Cool, Bad-to-the-Bone While Wearing a Flowered Headband" Look:

Daddy, the "Sure, I'll Wear This Thing Because I'm Wrapped Around Bethie's Finger" Look:

And if those weren't enough, she took even MORE pictures--stellar photography, each one of them, including things like . . .

Her chore chart:

Her pink polka-dot skirt:

The piano (albeit a little crookedly):

Me at the computer again (if you're wondering how I look as I blog, folks--why, this is it--mad scientist hair and all)!

Daddy reading a book:

And then she posed for a few herself:

Needless to say, 15 minutes later she had taken over 200 photos. I'll spare you the MANY shots of the carpet, the ceiling fan, the couches, the 20 pictures of her skirt, the walls, the close-ups of my shirt . . .

But she certainly had a good time! And I got my emails out. And then my memory card erased. And then the camera battery recharged. Hooray for the digital age! (Whatever did the pioneers do when they had to entertain their children so they could send out some emails? There's only so many times you can send a kid out to gather buffalo chips! :0)

Wednesdays with Tate and Jace

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Not to be confused with Tuesdays With Morrie. I assure you, Wednesdays with Tate and Jace are absolutely nothing like Tuesdays with Morrie!

They're a LOT more fun.

See, my wonderful sister-in-law works on Wednesdays at a dentist's office. So while she's there ("numb me . . .drill me . . .floss me . . .bill me . . .") we get to play with her darling, darling boys. We've been going at this for a few weeks now, and it's working out really well! Bethany gets the "sibling experience," (i.e., sharing her toys and my time and attention) and I get to bond with my adorable nephews, including lots of snuggles and smiles from two-month-old Jace. (AND I get a total biceps workout, since Jace's comfort mechanism of choice is to be bounced. Wow. I feel the burn.)

Anyway, it's been a positive experience for all. Bethie has enjoyed playing with Tate:

And snuggling with Jace (although I'm not too sure Jace enjoyed this particular snuggle):

Tate is the cutest big brother. Every so often, he'll kneel by the baby and rub his head against Jace's head. Then his (normally husky and low) voice goes SUPER high and he says, "Hi Jacey! Hi Jacey!" while he's nuzzling him. It's the cutest thing.

And I get to kiss THESE cheeks all day without once hearing, "Mo-om! Don't KISS me! I don't LIKE lipstick!" (Which I may or may not hear in my normal, day-to-day life.)

Oh, and in case you didn't catch those cheeks and want to see them again:

And judging from the kids' reactions, I'm a VERY exciting and entertaining caretaker:

Never a dull moment with Aunt Jenny. Nope. Anyway, the whole thing has been really good for both Bethany and me. I'm grateful for this chance to forge a stronger relationship with my nephews! And, although changing a baby boy's diaper is definitely a different experience, with the "outdoor plumbing" and all, I'm proud to say I've not taken one single shot to the eye . . .yet. :0)