Valentine's Day Happenings

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all! I've always loved Valentine's Day, ever since I was a little girl. I loved making cute mailboxes to take to school. I loved opening all of the valentines from my classmates. I loved eating the conversation hearts and playing with my cards. I've just loved it all my life, even during the many years I technically had no "valentine" to share it with! I just think Valentine's Day is about more than romantic love. It's about all love--love for family, friends, etc.! So a big "Happy Valentine's Day!" to everyone reading this--'cause if you're reading it, you're probably someone I love. So thanks for being part of our lives!

We had an interesting Valentine's Day this year. James has a really bad chest cold, so no kissy-kissy face for us! The most romantic we got was a hug and, "Here are some more cough drops, honey." I'm starting to really wonder if James is allergic to holidays. He was sick for Thanksgiving, Christmas and now Valentine's Day--and he was well all of the days in between. Not a fun trend. But we managed to have a good day anyway. In spite of being sick, James did surprise me with twelve pink roses--beautiful! I love them. And Bethie and I gave James some CD's, chocolate and cards. Bethany got a new book with the children's song Heavenly Father Loves Me with really cute illustrations. And it was fun to spend the day together, even if Daddy was snarking and snorfing.

Bethany, and her cousin Ruby, helped me make heart-shaped sugar cookies which was fun, then Bethie decided she'd rather just eat the dough and her cookie cutter was a great instrument with which to shovel more dough in her mouth! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I make a REALLY GOOD sugar cookie so TOOT-TOOT! I was pleased with the results, despite all of the dough-snatching that was going on.

Later that night, we got pizza and James, Tracee and Ruby came over to watch the Aggie game on TV. Well, the game part was painful (we lost) but it was fun being with them again! James and Tracee are in the process of moving to Salt Lake City, where James got a job, so it's been hard to not see them as often. Bethany has been saying, "Jame? Cee-Cee? Ruby?" all week! It was fun watching the little girls run around together again!


Annie said...

I just can't believe how adorable these girls are. It was so fun talking to you guys a couple of nights ago. I can't believe how smart Bethany is! And I may be vain but I LOVE hearing her say my name. SO CUTE!
ps I love cookie dough too. It's always better than the actual cookie. A girl after my own heart.