Sunday, February 15, 2009
Last week, Bethany was sick so she didn't go to church. So today, when we went back to nursery, it was as if she'd never been to nursery in her life and we started from square one, dang it! Two weeks ago, she went for an hour and a half without me, without crying, doing just fine. We had made progress the previous week, also. And today it was mass hysteria if I even looked at the door! I did leave for ten minutes, but she was so upset and not calming down that I ended up going back in and staying the rest of the time. It probably didn't help, also, that the nursery switched classrooms so it's a totally new setting now. Oh well, back in the saddle again! What can I do to help her feel more secure? Maybe I'll start arranging play dates with the kids in her class, or take her to see her teacher for a few minutes a couple of times a week. Hmmmmmm, I'll have to give this some thought. But if any of you have great thoughts and ideas, please share! Bethany is such a friendly, social little thing--as long as I'm there!
Good luck. I wish I had some good advice for you...stick with it? I know that's lame. Give her lots of kisses :)
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