Fired Already (Toldja I Couldn't Coach!)

Friday, February 27, 2009

So, I've got another new calling! They haven't released me yet from being the assistant young women's coach (although I think they will sometime soon). This has to go down in the books as the shortest calling I've ever had. I've now been asked to be the stake primary chorister lady. So since the stake asked for me, the ward will probably release me from my ward calling. Inspiration? OR have they now realized just how terrible I am at sports?

At first, I was a little bummed about leaving young women's so soon. I really do love being with the young women, they're so much fun. And I've gotten really good at washing those team jerseys (Downy fresh, every week!). But I'm really excited for my new calling, too! Although I've never had a stake calling before. TOTALLY new territory. But I am quite passionate about primary songs, and it will be a blast visiting all of the wards. My favorite Sunday of the year is the primary program Sunday--now I get to watch all of the programs in the stake! How lucky for me!

Right now I'm kind of doing both callings, so it's a little hard for me to switch gears from music to full-court presses (okay fine, I still don't know what a full-court press even is). So we'll see what happens next! I guess the only thing that's constant is change, huh?


Annie said...

Sounds like it is time to go walking through meadows of clover and gather ARMFULLS of blossoms of blue. Not pink or yellow, but blue.
Just so you won't have to lie during mother's day... ha ha ha. I really love you.

Jeanette said...

I don't know.....don't count your eggs before they hatch. Lori Naegle has had a stake and ward calling for quite some time!!

Love the picts of Bethany! I stalk your blog all the time but don't post much. I love reading all the updates on your cute family!