My heart is just so grateful today! As you know already, we've been grieving the loss of our little doggie. Ever since she drove off with Dave, her new owner, I've been a complete wreck! I just kept plaguing myself with, "What if she's frightened? Is she confused? How is she adjusting? What if she whimpers all night for us and we're not there?" You get the idea. Just totally a wreck. And last night, when I walked up the street to get the mail, I just cried and cried. Panda and I had made that trip so many times.
Anyway, when I got home from getting the mail, James saw the distress I was in. He then left for a few minutes to take something to a neighbor. When he got back, James was just beaming. "Jenny, I called Dave," he said. Then he said, "Panda is doing great. " You see, it was his plan to call Dave and if it was good news, he'd tell me, and if it was not--well, he just wouldn't tell me he called him at all. What a dear husband.
He then proceeded to tell me that Panda hasn't whimpered or cried at ALL. She doesn't seem to have skipped a beat, in fact. When he talked to Dave, Panda was on his lap, getting her belly scratched. She had just polished off a bowl of beef stew (he's totally down with giving her human food, which she actually tolerates better than dog food) and was snuggling Dave. She's already gotten to know their neighborhood pretty well, pulling Dave along like a sled dog ("Mush! Mush!") and his whole family loves her. Dave said, "She's sure winning a lot of hearts around here." Sounds like she's in doggie heaven and getting more attention than she's had around here for a long time. I'm just feeling so much relief and peace now that I know she's happy!
So, let this be a lesson to me that the Lord hears and answers prayers. We had prayed and fasted about finding a good home for her. I kept reminding myself of the scripture in Matthew about not one sparrow falling without the Lord's notice. If the Lord can keep track of sparrows, I thought, surely he could help us find a good solution for Panda. And he did. This was the right thing. And now Bethany is safe, Panda is happy and we can all move on.
Thanks for all of your support, everyone!