Letters. Lip Gloss and "Lee-da-Lees"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bethany has three great loves these days:

1. Letters: Bethany is fascinated by the alphabet and can recognize the letters A, O and B. (Well okay, she really recognizes A and O, and every other letter she doesn't know is a B!) Because of this recent fascination, we bought her some alphabet refrigerator magnets the other day, which she very much loves! She's also starting in on recognizing some numbers. What a smart kid! She likes to take my grown-up books (meaning they don't have pictures, not "adult" like the world defines that category so get that out of your head, "I'm a good girl, I am!") and she goes over to the French doors in the kitchen, sits down and reads the book, pointing out the letters. So cute!

2. Lip Gloss: Well, I really said "lip gloss" to alliterate. She's really into any kind of makeup at all, including lip gloss but also including eyeliner, mascara, blush--you name it! When she sees me get out my makeup in the morning, she yells, "Lap!" (I guess I could have used "lap" to alliterate, too) and runs over to the hall mirror. So she sits on my lap and we put on our makeup together. (I thought we wouldn't be at this point for 11 or so more years?) The other day she did this literally--eye liner all over her face before I could stop her! And I forgot to take a picture, darn!

3. "Lee-da-Lees": Some interpretation is needed here. "Lee-da-lees" (in the short form) "lee-da-lee-da-lees" (in the medium form) and "lee-da-lee-da-lee-da-lees" (in the long form) are any kind of writing utensil, mostly crayons. She calls them this because that's how she says "co-lor-ing." "Lee-da-lee." Anyway, Bethany loves her lee-da-lees! She carries them around the house with her little notebook and calls to them like a pet when she's not with them. This picture above was taken this morning--nothing like "lee-da-lee"ing in your jammies and winter boots! Ah, the life of a child!


The Polka Dot Apron said...

She is at such a cute age! Way to put make-up on every morning- Now I feel like I should go actually get out of my sweats and take a shower- way to go, super mom!!!

Angie said...

SO CUTE! We sure do wish we got to see you all more. Bethany is just growing up too fast! I'm glad we keep updated through the blog though. We love you!

Annie said...

She is too funny. I really miss you guys, and gosh I'm flattered! Taylor Swift? What a hottie! I wish! Bethany- you are way too nice to me!