Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Okay, so I went with the girls to Twilight last night and you know what? I LIKED it! I went with absolutely no expectations, and thinking from the previews that Edward really wasn't as good looking as he was supposed to be, but as soon as he started smiling more . . .WaZAM! I liked him! (Although his lipstick could have been toned down a bit.) And speaking of smiles, that's the thing that bugged me . . .Bella never smiled! And since I'm very sure the director will be reading my blog, anxious for my suggestions, :-) may I say, "Please have Bella change expressions once in a while, Mr. Director sir. The Bella in the book did, on occasion, smile!" Such a little thing, and no bigger budget needed. There were other little things that I hoped would be a tad different, but I loved the scenery and the music and I must have been in just the right mood because I left feeling "Ah!" and all kinds of romanticish. I asked James please, when he gets over his cold, could he scale a tree with me on his back? And he said he'd be glad to, just as soon as he was resurrected. So we have a date!
I really liked the movie too, although I never really warmed up to Edward. I thought Jacob was much better looking and there were some comical parts like when Bella first enters the classroom and Edward is being tempted by her smell (it looked more like he was more sick from it than anything). But all in all it I was thoroughly entertained throughout the whole thing. Your future date sounds way exciting. The lemon cheesecake recipe I found was good but I wouldn't mind the one you have. I am a recipe junkie.
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