Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our dear family and friends! Our day started early, with the Macy's parade and Bethany helping me make huckleberry and french apple pies (talk about a mess but Bethany loved "stirring" the dry ingredients and snitching the pie dough). We always way overdo the pies and have way too many leftover, but such is our lot (and we like pie a LOT)! We had a great day with family--and we also got some good news! James and Tracee (bro and sis-in-law) found out the gender of their baby yesterday and . . .it's a girl! They made the announcement at dinner and we're so excited to have another little niece to love! (Although we would have loved a boy, too!) We're so grateful for our many, many blessings! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Well, There Goes the Changing Table . . .

So, last night James and I were reading a book out loud together in the living room, and Bethany was running around, playing with toys. She ran into her bedroom for a second, which didn't concern us because that room is baby proof, after all ( or so we thought). Anyway, after about a minute, I heard a strange noise coming from Bethie's room and when I went to check on her, there she was, on top of her changing table, sitting cross-legged and playing with a bunch of shoes. Oh, and she was also grinning like the cat that caught the canary--she was so pleased with herself! Little monkey! She was delighted to show me what she had accomplished, and when I put her down she immediately scaled the table again, quick as a wink. (Am I using too many similes here?) At any rate, the changing table now obviously has to retire to the shed. Sigh! Well, we're planning on potty-training in a few months anyway--but I do feel somewhat sentimental about the whole thing. That table and I have spent many a diaper change together, and it's one more piece of babyhood we're leaving behind too quickly . . .

Jenny's Thoughts on Twilight Movie

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Okay, so I went with the girls to Twilight last night and you know what? I LIKED it! I went with absolutely no expectations, and thinking from the previews that Edward really wasn't as good looking as he was supposed to be, but as soon as he started smiling more . . .WaZAM! I liked him! (Although his lipstick could have been toned down a bit.) And speaking of smiles, that's the thing that bugged me . . .Bella never smiled! And since I'm very sure the director will be reading my blog, anxious for my suggestions, :-) may I say, "Please have Bella change expressions once in a while, Mr. Director sir. The Bella in the book did, on occasion, smile!" Such a little thing, and no bigger budget needed. There were other little things that I hoped would be a tad different, but I loved the scenery and the music and I must have been in just the right mood because I left feeling "Ah!" and all kinds of romanticish. I asked James please, when he gets over his cold, could he scale a tree with me on his back? And he said he'd be glad to, just as soon as he was resurrected. So we have a date!

Happy Kissing Anniversary James!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It was fourteen years ago yesterday when James kissed me for the first time! I meant to blog about it yesterday, oops. Anyway, "HAPPY KISSING ANNIVERSARY (yesterday) SWEETHEART!" What a magical event that was and such an important part of our history together, much like our holding-hands anniversary on November 5th, which we forgot to celebrate. But we did celebrate our first-date anniversary on October 28th, also very important.

But back to the kissing anniversary. As I kept a detailed journal every day back then, I have the entire event recorded! (Here is where the screen goes fuzzy and waves in and out, signalling a flashback to the audience.)

There we were, in my grandparent's basement, November 19, 1994. I was sitting on their old green couch (I miss that couch, SO comfy) and James was sitting on the orange shag carpet by my feet. We were doing homework, as I recall. James turned around to ask me something, and, according to him, I gave him "THE LOOK." Also, according to him, he heard a voice boom down from the heavens saying, "IT IS TIME." Then muchas smoochas, he kissed me right on the lips. And angels burst into song and rose petals fell from the sky, and fireworks could be heard across the land. And there was much rejoicing.

Looking back, I feel sort of bad for James. I really didn't have a lot of experience so I wasn't that good at kissing. But thankfully, there were many more kisses to come, so I could practice my technique. :-)

And after James went home, I squealed and called my mom and my sister and told them the joyous news, and then I called something like three different friends to tell them (I definitely remember calling my cousins Maria and Mike), and I sashayed around the house and wrote the entire thing in my journal, and relived the entire event in my mind over and over while sighing multitudes of times, and drifted off to dreamland on clouds nine, ten and eleven.

And after James left me (I asked him later) he walked into his apartment, said, "Hey" to his roommates and went straight to bed. And that, my friends, is the difference between men and women.

(Wavy screen taking us now back to the present.)

And here we are, 14 years later, married and still enjoying the kissing thing. (The picture above was taken this summer. We looked better 14 years ago but oh well!) Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! Thanks for all of the smooches over the years, and I look forward to an eternity of further practice!

Letters. Lip Gloss and "Lee-da-Lees"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bethany has three great loves these days:

1. Letters: Bethany is fascinated by the alphabet and can recognize the letters A, O and B. (Well okay, she really recognizes A and O, and every other letter she doesn't know is a B!) Because of this recent fascination, we bought her some alphabet refrigerator magnets the other day, which she very much loves! She's also starting in on recognizing some numbers. What a smart kid! She likes to take my grown-up books (meaning they don't have pictures, not "adult" like the world defines that category so get that out of your head, "I'm a good girl, I am!") and she goes over to the French doors in the kitchen, sits down and reads the book, pointing out the letters. So cute!

2. Lip Gloss: Well, I really said "lip gloss" to alliterate. She's really into any kind of makeup at all, including lip gloss but also including eyeliner, mascara, blush--you name it! When she sees me get out my makeup in the morning, she yells, "Lap!" (I guess I could have used "lap" to alliterate, too) and runs over to the hall mirror. So she sits on my lap and we put on our makeup together. (I thought we wouldn't be at this point for 11 or so more years?) The other day she did this literally--eye liner all over her face before I could stop her! And I forgot to take a picture, darn!

3. "Lee-da-Lees": Some interpretation is needed here. "Lee-da-lees" (in the short form) "lee-da-lee-da-lees" (in the medium form) and "lee-da-lee-da-lee-da-lees" (in the long form) are any kind of writing utensil, mostly crayons. She calls them this because that's how she says "co-lor-ing." "Lee-da-lee." Anyway, Bethany loves her lee-da-lees! She carries them around the house with her little notebook and calls to them like a pet when she's not with them. This picture above was taken this morning--nothing like "lee-da-lee"ing in your jammies and winter boots! Ah, the life of a child!

Day of "Rest" and Other Myths

Don't let this picture fool you! Yes, this is a picture of Bethany and James taking a nap yesterday (Sunday). Yes, they look restful and all kinds of Sabbath Day-serene. But the real story is that church was such a zoo that they came home and crashed! (Which I also wanted to do, but someone has to take the pictures around here.) Bethany was seriously boing-boing-boinging off the walls yesterday at church, beginning with a tantrum during the opening prayer when I kindly suggested she fold her arms: "Noooo! Down! Shoesssss" (She decided she wanted her shoes off during the prayer.) What I want to know is, why does Bethany, who loves to sit on my lap at home ("Lap! Lap!") not want anything to do with my lap at church? Ah well--two more weeks and then it's nursery time!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm just smiling all over right now! In the last week, three (yes, three) of our friends have added to their families through the miracle of adoption! So here's a big shout out CONGRATULATIONS to Kent and Charity (a girl), Conner and Amy (a boy), and Tom and Stephanie (a girl). We are so thrilled for you! May your sleepless nights be peppered with exquisite joy! Yay, yay and more YAY!!!!!! We couldn't be happier for you.

Thoughts on Growing Up Too Fast

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So, today I looked at James and said, "What happened to the little baby we brought home? And where did this big kid come from?" Seriously, such a weird concept if you think about it. Bethany was just this sweet little lump one day, and then all of a sudden time passes and WHAM! She's a kid that runs around at top speed and says things like, "More crackers, please." When did it all happen? And really, when did it all happen for any of us?

You see, I still feel like I'm 20 years old. I am not under some delusion that I've stopped aging at age 20; I do realize that the calendar (and other indicators I won't bring up) says I'm 34. But honestly, when I was younger I thought that when I was 34 I'd feel 34. I'd feel older, more mature and very wise. I'd be a wife and a mother and a tax payer and I'd pretty much know the answer to any question. (My mom did, didn't she?) In short: I'd feel like a "grown up." And you know what? It's different than I thought. My spirit still feels 20--although a trip to the McDonald's play land with my daughter yesterday did finally convince me that my body is not 20 anymore! (Crawling through those tubes was just a wee bit more tiring than it used to be.) Does anyone else feel that way? Like your spirit says, "Wait, I'm young and vibrant and on the threshold of life! I'm in college and I'm spunky and cute and I can stay up until 3:00 and still have energy for my 7:30 class!" And then, of course, your body says, "No way Jose. Take a nap, you big dreamer."

Am I going to look at myself in the mirror in the rest home someday when I'm 92 1/2 and think, "Now, who's that old lady and why is she staring at me?" And as they cart me down the hall to the cafeteria, will I yell at the nurse who's wheeling my chair, screaming "No--wait! You don't understand! I'm 20! I'm your age! Let's paint our nails and talk about boys! I'm 20, I sweeeaaarrr!!!!???" And they'll pat my arm and give me something to sedate me, I'm sure. But I digress yet again. I want to brag about Bethany, not treat you to the rantings of a middle-aged woman with a forever young spirit.

Bethany's vocabulary is ever expanding! My favorite words she's learned this week are, "love you" (I can't get enough of that one), "strawberry", "lap" and "okay." Her "okay" just cracks me up. It used to be that she'd come to me and say, "Wa-wa!" And I'd say, "You want water?" and she'd nod and say, "Please." Then I'd say, "Okay" and go and get her some. Now, it's like this: "Wa-wa?" "You want water?" And then she says, "Okay!" and runs off. She just gets cuter every day! Hey, that's what's really happening to all of us! We're not just getting older, we're all getting cuter every day! I like that. My 92 1/2 self will be a total babe, I know it. (I can't wait to see James as a great-grandpa with that "wrinkly twinkly smile," the hottie!)

On to other subjects. It was nice to see the sunshine today! All week, the weather has just been blah, blah, dreary blah blah. And today the sun shone, happy day! James, Bethany, Panda and I went on a walk and hit two parks so Bethany could "Lide! Lide!" And "lide" she did! We had so much fun. Well, this post has been all over the map, but such my thought processes are when it's getting late and I'm tired. (10:00 p.m. would have been early when I was 20! And here I am, just ready to crash! Of course, I wasn't chasing a toddler back then, so cut me a little slack, please.) And the more tired I become, the more "philosophical" I become so I'd better take these weird little thoughts of mine and hit the hay! Bye!

Happy Adoption Month!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy National Adoption Month! How great to have a whole month to celebrate adoption and how fitting that it's in November, the month we give thanks for our blessings! We are so grateful for adoption and for our little miracle! We're so grateful for Bethany's birth families and for their courage and strength in placing her with us! We can't imagine our lives without Bethany. (And if I can say that right after a night of Bethany throwing a screaming tantrum for two hours in the middle of the night, I must really mean it, huh!) We're so grateful to be Bethany's parents, and our hearts are completely wrapped around her, we love her so much.

To celebrate adoption, we had a fun weekend with our Logan Families Supporting Adoption (FSA) chapter. On Saturday, we went bowling for a couple of hours. Bethany had a blast ("Ball! Ball!") and loved rolling the ball down the little ramp thing. The sad thing is, she's a better bowler than I am. I'm simply terrible. I think the highest I've ever scored in bowling is about 80. Keeps me humble. At any rate, Bethany had several strikes and just loved watching that ball roll! It was fun to be with our friends and their adorable kids. Bethany's cousin Ruby came to bowl with her, too, and she had a great time with Uncle James and Aunt Tracee. (I must have donated my share of bowling genes to my brother James, he's much better than I am.)

On Sunday, we had a special fireside to commemorate adoption. It was really nice. The speakers did a great job (there was a birth mother, an adoptive father and our agency director, Rick Hill) and all the kids sang "Families Can Be Together Forever." Then James and I sang a song called "The House of the Lord" during a nice slide show of sealing pictures. I had decided to take Bethany with us up there to sing, because she usually goes hysterical if I leave her with someone in the audience (ward choir is really getting to be a problem for me) and Bethany ended up completely upstaging us! She wriggled her way out of our arms, climbed the step stool and beamed at the audience, ran across the platform and down the stairs to the main part of the chapel, and ran right up and down the aisles, all while we were singing. Then the very last slide was a picture of our family on our sealing day and right as we were singing the last note Bethany pointed up at the screen and yelled, "Mommy! Daddy!" It was actually a really cute end to our song. The little monkey stole the show, but that's what we were celebrating so it was somehow fitting!
Happy National Adoption Month, everyone!