Every Bloomin' Thing

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I love surprises. Love surprises. REALLY love surprises. So it's just been a delight this summer to discover all of the wonderful perennial plants Tracy (the former owner of this house) planted in the yard! When we moved in, it was early spring and I had no idea what plants were in the flowerbeds. I knew she had attended the yard and flowers faithfully, and I knew perennials were there. But I didn't know what to expect. (Horticulture isn't my forte, but I'm working on it.)

Anyway, it's been such a joy to wake up and voila! There are daisies. Voila again! There are lilies. Voila and voila and roses and these purple flower thingies (still not sure what they are, but they're pretty) and bleeding heart and all kinds of beautiful plants. It's really been a joy! I just go outside and relish every blooming thing. Even the purple bush, which is home to approximately 1.2 million bumblebees (give or take a few).

Thank you, Tracy. You don't read my blog and don't know me at all, but bless you for making the flowerbeds so pretty and for brightening up my summer! I've had such a blast discovering all of these treasures--and my inner horticulturist (who has been screaming to get out) has now been unleashed. So here's to a fun flowerbed future! Bless you!


Lacey said...

I actually notice how beautiful your yard is every time I drive by. I agree with you, surprises are the best! And surprise flowers growing in your yard... I can't imagine a more exciting or beautiful surprise!