All The Pretty Little . . . Chickens?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have just got to get some of these things down before I forget them! Bethany, it seems, is on a roll. A roll that makes us laugh . . .and laugh . . .and laugh!

Last Night:

For the past month or so, Bethany's favorite bedtime song has been, "All the Pretty Little Ponies." James and I usually sing this as a duet. Well, last night she very seriously asked the both of us to sing "All the Pretty Little Chickens" to her. She had checked out a chicken puppet from the library that morning, and was quite attached to it. She even had it in her bed with her (with me really trying not to think about the germs that thing must have from all of the snotty kids at the library). So, James and I are trying--really trying--to sing "All the Pretty Little Chickens" without busting up (we even have tears in our eyes) and we're doing pretty well until Bethany starts clucking along. She was like, "Bak, bak bak baaaaaaaaaak!" along with the melody. So you know what? We lost it. We just couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.

Two Nights Ago:

James was sitting in the recliner and had a glass of ice water right next to him. Bethany decided she wanted some ice so she started fishing ice out of the cup with her little hand. When James discovered what she was doing and stopped her, she said, "But Dad, I'm a DOG. And dogs don't know any better." And she started to pant and act like a dog.

Oh my goodness.


I was putting Bethany in the car seat after running an errand and the car was hot, it being summertime and all. So Bethany told me, "It's hot! I don't like the hot!" And I said, "I know, honey, I don't like the heat either. We'll get the cold air going." Then she just yelled, "THIS HEAT IS DISGUSTING!! It's DISGUSTING!" I didn't even know she knew that word!

These days she's also very, very into having babies in her tummy. In fact, the other day she gave birth to ten babies. I am now the grandmother of an imaginary litter! Oh my goodness.