Temple Song--Bethany Style

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I just got through putting Bethany to bed and thought I'd better post this before I forget. Bethany's favorite song is "I Love to See the Temple." She has to sing it twice every day, right before nap time and right before bedtime. She knows a lot of the words and interjects her own comments throughout, always in the same place. I'll try to capture this for you in writing (it would be much better on videotape but it's not working out to tape her . . .yet). So I'll give this a go! Just imagine her cuteness as you read:

(The letters in lowercase are me singing and the letters in caps are Bethany!)

Bethany: "Temple song! Me!" (turns around in the rocking chair so she's facing me while sitting on my lap)

"I love to SEE the TEMPLE
I'm going there someDAY!
To feel the HOLY SPIWIT
To listen and to PRAY!"

Bethany: "WE GOT PRAY!!!" (Meaning we forgot to pray! And if we did forget, and we do sometimes before naptime, we stop and pray at this point of the song.)

Mommy: "No, we remembered. Remember Daddy came in and we prayed?"

Bethany: "Oh yeah." (She probably didn't remember, though, because she's typically busy beeping our noses, prying our eyelids open and other such hijinks while we're trying to get her to pray. Not exactly reverent, but what can you do? Song resumes.)

"For the TEMPLE is a HOUSE of GOD
A PLACE of love and BEAUTY!"

Bethany, chanting: "Beauty! Beauty! Beauty!" in a voice just like Rocky Balboa uses when saying "Adrienne!" A really husky, silly voice. I have no idea how that started--we've never even seen Rocky. (Song resumes)

"I'll prepare mySELF while I am YOUNG,

Bethany: "Beginning!" (Meaning she wants to go back to the beginning to sing verse 2)

"I love to SEE the TEMPLE
I'll go inside someDAY!
I'll covenant with my FATHER

"For the temple is a HOLY place
Where we are SEALED TOGEVVVVERRRR (I love that she knows that!)
As a child of GOD I've learned this TRUUFFF
A family is FOREVER!"

Yep, we do that every day, twice a day. And I love it. And I love this little girl and am so grateful we are "sealed togevvvverrrrr!"


ladybug said...

That is SO cute! I wish that I was there to hear it!! Just thinking of Bethany makes me extremely happy.....I keep remembering when you came to our house! That was lots of fun!!

Cousin Nicole

Julie said...

That is sooooo sweet!