Grandpa's Waffles

Friday, March 27, 2009

Nobody makes waffles like Grandpa Johnson. Nobody. (And if a sibling or cousin or some such is reading this, you can vouch for that statement.)

Seriously, I've watched the man make his waffles hundreds of times. And I watch his every move, his every ingredient, his every flick of the wrist and stir of the spoon. And do my waffles turn out like his? NO. The man is a waffle genius. I think it's just a talent he was born with--too bad for the rest of us (but lucky for me if he invites me over).

Which is what happened a few nights ago! I called Grandpa and Grandma to see if they were going to be home, 'cause Bethany wanted to come and play, and not only were they home, they invited us to a waffle supper! (I begin drooling, here.) Well, I'm no dummy and I jumped right on that invitation. We had a great time! The waffles were to die for, just like always--heaven on a plate with maple syrup. The ultimate comfort food. Seriously--sitting in Grandpa and Grandma's kitchen with them, eating waffles, is the best therapy in the world.

After dinner (breakfast?) Bethany loved playing dress-up with Grandma-Great. Grandma-Great is lots of fun! She broke out some hot pink shoes and Bethany had the time of her life. (Bethie's really into shoes right now.) In fact, we ended up having to take the shoes home for a few days, as she was loathe to part from them! Bethany spent an hour putting them on, taking them off, trying to tie them . . .putting them on, taking them off, walking around, trying to tie them . . .

Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma, for such a fun night! And I'm looking forward to my birthday waffles on Thursday!


~Jake, Brianna, Jocelyn, and Carter~ said...

I am so jealous! I wish we had been there. I need a picture of Grandma and Grandpa in their kitchen really bad. Seeing that picture put me right there and made me miss them . . . even though they are down the street and we see them all the time! :) We are lucky grandchildren.

Julie said...

You are so lucky to have your grandparents! Grandparent memories are the best! Lucky you