Sneaking a Picnic

Friday, March 27, 2009

On Tuesday of this week, just an hour before the snow started flying, we snuck in a quick picnic at Willow Park. The weather was lovely (for the moment) so we threw some sandwiches together and hit the park, only briefly stopping to kidnap my dad on the way. (And he came--we were so pleased--he's not the most spontaneous person so we didn't know how the kidnapping would turn out!)

We had a great time. Bethany liked seeing the animals and feeding the ducks, but mostly she just loves to run pell-mell through the park, as fast as her little legs will take her! She also loved the "BIG slide!" and has been talking about it ever since. ("BIG slide,tomorrow?") And right when we were putting away our food, the sky clouded over and the wind blew cold, and snow started falling. I'm so glad we squeezed in a little outdoor time while we could!

Fortunately, we got to bring a little spring inside, too. Dad had just bought some daffodils for a cancer fundraiser thing, and he shared some with me! When we got home, I threw them in some water and they immediately started blooming (pictured on the right). Aren't they beautiful? They've sat on our piano and cheered us up all week with their bright yellowness!

Grandpa's Waffles

Nobody makes waffles like Grandpa Johnson. Nobody. (And if a sibling or cousin or some such is reading this, you can vouch for that statement.)

Seriously, I've watched the man make his waffles hundreds of times. And I watch his every move, his every ingredient, his every flick of the wrist and stir of the spoon. And do my waffles turn out like his? NO. The man is a waffle genius. I think it's just a talent he was born with--too bad for the rest of us (but lucky for me if he invites me over).

Which is what happened a few nights ago! I called Grandpa and Grandma to see if they were going to be home, 'cause Bethany wanted to come and play, and not only were they home, they invited us to a waffle supper! (I begin drooling, here.) Well, I'm no dummy and I jumped right on that invitation. We had a great time! The waffles were to die for, just like always--heaven on a plate with maple syrup. The ultimate comfort food. Seriously--sitting in Grandpa and Grandma's kitchen with them, eating waffles, is the best therapy in the world.

After dinner (breakfast?) Bethany loved playing dress-up with Grandma-Great. Grandma-Great is lots of fun! She broke out some hot pink shoes and Bethany had the time of her life. (Bethie's really into shoes right now.) In fact, we ended up having to take the shoes home for a few days, as she was loathe to part from them! Bethany spent an hour putting them on, taking them off, trying to tie them . . .putting them on, taking them off, walking around, trying to tie them . . .

Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma, for such a fun night! And I'm looking forward to my birthday waffles on Thursday!

Temple Song--Bethany Style

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I just got through putting Bethany to bed and thought I'd better post this before I forget. Bethany's favorite song is "I Love to See the Temple." She has to sing it twice every day, right before nap time and right before bedtime. She knows a lot of the words and interjects her own comments throughout, always in the same place. I'll try to capture this for you in writing (it would be much better on videotape but it's not working out to tape her . . .yet). So I'll give this a go! Just imagine her cuteness as you read:

(The letters in lowercase are me singing and the letters in caps are Bethany!)

Bethany: "Temple song! Me!" (turns around in the rocking chair so she's facing me while sitting on my lap)

"I love to SEE the TEMPLE
I'm going there someDAY!
To feel the HOLY SPIWIT
To listen and to PRAY!"

Bethany: "WE GOT PRAY!!!" (Meaning we forgot to pray! And if we did forget, and we do sometimes before naptime, we stop and pray at this point of the song.)

Mommy: "No, we remembered. Remember Daddy came in and we prayed?"

Bethany: "Oh yeah." (She probably didn't remember, though, because she's typically busy beeping our noses, prying our eyelids open and other such hijinks while we're trying to get her to pray. Not exactly reverent, but what can you do? Song resumes.)

"For the TEMPLE is a HOUSE of GOD
A PLACE of love and BEAUTY!"

Bethany, chanting: "Beauty! Beauty! Beauty!" in a voice just like Rocky Balboa uses when saying "Adrienne!" A really husky, silly voice. I have no idea how that started--we've never even seen Rocky. (Song resumes)

"I'll prepare mySELF while I am YOUNG,

Bethany: "Beginning!" (Meaning she wants to go back to the beginning to sing verse 2)

"I love to SEE the TEMPLE
I'll go inside someDAY!
I'll covenant with my FATHER

"For the temple is a HOLY place
Where we are SEALED TOGEVVVVERRRR (I love that she knows that!)
As a child of GOD I've learned this TRUUFFF
A family is FOREVER!"

Yep, we do that every day, twice a day. And I love it. And I love this little girl and am so grateful we are "sealed togevvvverrrrr!"

Those Slides at McDonald's Really Aren't For Grown-Ups

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Last Monday night, after our FHE lesson, we decided we were feeling a little "wild" so we trekked on up to McDonald's for a sundae and some Playland fun. We weren't sure how Bethany would react to the Playland--last time we were there, she didn't quite get how it all worked. Well, she definitely gets it now!

The first time she climbed the tubes, she wasn't sure what to do so we told her to follow the little boy and go where he went. (There was a three-or-so-ish boy there.) Well, Bethany took that advice to heart and the entire time we were there, that boy was her champion and her guide. She would yell, "Boy! BOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYY!!! Wait, Boy! Help me, Boy! Climb, Boy! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYY! Coming, Boy? I coming, Boy!" And to his credit, he was a good little helper! He gave her boosts if she needed them, or helped her get un-stuck if she found herself in a jam. His parents tried to tell him to leave her alone but we interceded and told them to butt out, we had a good thing going, here. (Okay, we didn't say those exact words.)

James and I also did a lot of coaching from the bottom--as well as a lot of cheering. You'd have thought we were cheering Bethany in the Olympics. We got so excited when she figured out how to do things by herself. Ah, the joy of parenthood! And we love that she's old enough now to follow directions--if we told her to go in the blue tube, she'd stop and analyze her situation and then go in the blue tube as directed. And Bethany is so small she could walk through the tubes instead of having to crawl.

Anyway, "Boy" helped us a lot and we thought we wouldn't have to go up the tubes at all--then his parents had the nerve to take him home. ("Bye, Boy!") Those parents just couldn't leave well enough alone. Anyway, James ended up crawling up the tubes to show Bethany how to get to the purple slide-which I thought completely adorable (nothing like watching your hubby shimmy up a tube). And all was going well and I was still blissfully eating my ice cream at the bottom.

But I shouldn't have gotten too comfy because one konk of the head later Bethany was screaming for Mommy. Never mind that Dad was already up there, nothing would do but for "Mommy, holdy!" to stop the hysterics. (Bethany does have a flair for the drama!)And of course, being the good mom that I like to believe I am, it was now me that was shimmying up the tubes (not so adorable and no pics posted). Anyway . . .

THERE IS A REASON WHY THE SIGN SAYS AGES 3-12 AND NOT 3-35! Ouch, ouch OUCH on the knees!

And by the time I got up to Bethany, she had stopped crying and was happily on her way down the slide. Ah, well! But we had a great time, it really was SO fun! There's something just so American about a family at McDonald's, don't you think? And then we took her home and washed her three times all over (there is also something very grimy about McDonald's, too).

The Lymans Are Alive and Kicking

Friday, March 13, 2009

Well, it's been forever and a day since my last blog! I'm so ashamed! Here's a top ten list of what we've been up to lately:

1. I'm feeling much better from my bout of stomach flu over the past couple of days. I got sick Wednesday night (all night, I'll spare you all the gory details) and was ill yesterday, too, but last night started feeling quite a bit better. And, by the way, someday when I die I'm going to find the person who invented hot showers and hug and kiss them. Then I'll erect a statue and declare a holiday for them. There's nothing like a hot shower to make you feel human again! Today I feel MUCH better. I feel like I've been beat up on the inside, and I'm still a little weak, but, as James put it, I feel like I've been through the battle but I'm not fighting the battle anymore. (Well put, James!) There's nothing like bad health to make you appreciate good health, huh? I had to remind myself, in the midst of the affliction, that at least I wasn't on a 14-hour flight on my way to Australia (which were my conditions when I was "casting up my accounts" last time). And at least I wasn't driving across the desert of Nevada (James has a really horrible story there). So hooray for indoor plumbing, hot showers and Gatorade. And we'll leave it at that.

2. We've discovered that a cornstarch/Vaseline mix works wonders for a diaper rash. And not only is cornstarch cheaper than creams, you can also bake cookies with it, which you can't say for Desitin.

3. Now, let's move past the flu and diaper rashes and onto happier subjects! James' new business (which he's started on the side apart from his regular job) has finally been launched after about a year of work. It's a new technology called Post it Mobile and it basically turns your cell phone into a day planner. You sign up for the service ($7 a month for up to five users) and you can schedule all kinds of reminders to be texted to your cell phone at different scheduled times. For example, James gets sport scores for all of his favorite teams sent to his phone (it's immediate, too--like he'll be at an Aggie game and get updates on the score as they're happening) and I use Post it Mobile to send mass text messages to the young women for upcoming events. Anyway, is the website and we're very excited in the interest that it's generating already. Go Post it Mobile! Go James!

4. I've enrolled Bethany in tumbling again and she's having a total blast. She's liking it even better this time than last time! Last time, on the trampolines, she was kind of leery, unsure of what to do. Now she's just like BOING! She really gets jumping and it's so fun to see! And she loves walking across the balance beam, too (holding our hand, of course). I may just keep her permanently enrolled. It's nice to have an outlet for her energy and she LOVES it!

5. Our little nephew, "Baby Tate," had surgery today. He had two hernias--one in his groin and one in his navel. Because he's so small, he had to have the surgery at Primary Children's in Salt Lake. But thankfully, the surgery went really well! They're keeping him overnight for observation and he'll come home tomorrow. Other than that, he's growing like crazy and is healthy as a horse. He's already doubled his birth weight and weighs 9 1/2 pounds now! And he's filling out and getting chubby and he's oh-so snuggly!

6. Bethany's new favorite song is "I Love to See the Temple." She knows most of the words--honestly, I'm so impressed with her brains and her vocabulary! She even says, "holy spirit" and when she says "pray," she folds her arms. But her favorite word of the song is "beauty" and she often just chants, "beauty, beauty, beauty" over and over in a funny voice. And speaking of "funny", she has now taken to calling us "funny." She'll say, "Funny Mommy! Funny Daddy!" (And it's true. We were just hoping she wouldn't figure that out until she was 12 or so.)

7. I've been working on Bethany's lifebook and I'm having a blast! I'm doing it through Picaboo (this is the first time I've used Picaboo) and I don't think I can handle this much fun without getting seriously addicted. For those who don't know, a lifebook is a simple, truthful book explaining Bethany's adoption story. It will read like a story book and I'm having a ball.

8. I'm still in my calling as assistant YW basketball coach, so I'm doing two callings for now. And get this--we're going to the regional tournament! I feel a little blindsided by that, as we didn't win any games (why are they sending us to the tournament?) but it will be fun. I'm a little nervous, though, as the head coach will be gone on vacation during that time so it will be up to me to figure out who starts and who guards who and who subs for who. And just when I was getting comfy with providing the rides, the clean jerseys and the cheers, too! The first night of tournament is Wednesday night, which also poses a problem because that's when James has his choir practices, so I'll have Bethany with me. Last time I took her to a game, she wanted to play ball and kept running out onto the court, mid game, and nearly was trampled by a herd of adolescent girls. Hmmmmm. This will be interesting.

9. The American Festival Chorus, of which James is a part, will be performing Carmina Burana on Saturday, March 28th. It should be very good, but if you decide to go make sure to get there early. At his last concert, I went half an hour early and had to sit clear out in Mongolia!

10. We're happily looking forward to another niece next month--Ruby is going to have a little sister and we can't wait to meet her!

Well, "That's the news from Lake Woebegone, where the women are strong, the men are good lookin' and all of the children are above average." And it's so good, as I sit here and type, to see the sunshine and blue sky outside. Hooray for the approaching spring!