Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Oh my goodness. Bethany is now at the age where she is the oldest-kid-that's-not-in-nursery-yet in our ward, and church has gone from a little wrestling match to a downright three-ring circus! If we hold her in our laps, she screams, "Down! Down!" and kicks and flails. But if we put her down, she's off like a shot! And this kid is fast!!! If I let her wander around the room during the lesson, which a lot of mothers do, she immediately goes to all of the babies in the room, says, "Baby!" sweetly, smiles benevolently, and then whacks them in the head or tries to grab their eyeballs! Then she takes off, leaving a trail of crying babies in her wake. Gone are the days when I can interest her in a quiet book, or crayons, or even her favorite treats. ("Down! Down!") Suggestions, anyone? Anyway, six more weeks until nursery, but who's counting?
The thing is, when she actually goes to nursery, I'm going to miss her like crazy cakes . . .
Sorry, I don't have any suggestions. I think maybe it is Heavenly Father's way of making the transition to nursery easier on us moms. By the time they go, we are ready for them to be in there. Good luck!
Also, I love your blog! Your stories make me laugh!
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