At Lexie's Blessing

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So, since we just got into this whole blogging thing, we have a little catching up to do! At the beginning of September, we headed down to Cedar City (and then on to St. George) to attend the blessing of our newest niece, little Lexie Lyman. It was really fun and good to finally meet her! She's a beautiful baby. This picture was taken right after we got to Bryan and Angie's house after the blessing. Bethany had had it with travelling and sitting still, and she was long overdue for a nap. So if she looks miserable and mad and like she's throwing a tantrum in the picture--well, she was all of the above. She slept for three hours right after this picture was taken!


paulak said...

Congrats, blessings are such an amazing event. Long overdue naps are always fun, huh?