Monday, December 12, 2011
"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree . . ." If the title of this post put that song in your head I'm very sorry. But here's some interesting trivia: James's official high school song, "Oh San Juan High," is actually to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree." So now I've given you alternate lyrics, at least. And, however unoriginal that may sound, you've got to admire a town that takes the Christmas spirit into their school all year round.)
ANYWAY . . .
Here's the story about the Christmas tree. And actually, it's not my Christmas tree--although I love it--this Christmas tree is my grandma's. See, she and Jay have become "snowbirds" this year; Jay bought a home in St. George so they're down in "Utah's Dixie" for the winter. But they ARE coming home for Christmas--hooray! So when we were down in St. George for Thanksgiving, I got Grandma's permission to invade their home and do some decorating so they could come home to a little holiday cheer. My original thought was that James and I would just pop in some evening and put the tree up,do a little decorating--easy-peasy. Which goes to prove that I am completely LOSING MY MIND. I can't believe I ever thought that James and I could handle it on our own. After all, I've decorated Grandma's house before. But time has a way of softening the edges of memory until only the "Hallmark" moments are what come to mind when the synapses are firing (or misfiring).
Anyway, all I can say is THANK GOODNESS for family, because it really was a team effort getting the house ready for Christmas! THANK GOODNESS for Brianna and Hannah and Aunts Sheri, Teri, and Sharon--and THANK GOODNESS for Mom. Grandma's decorations are so beautiful--but they do require a lot of time, effort, and extension cords. We always have so much fun doing it, though--especially because we're together. Doing it alone would have been daunting and could have led to frustration. Which could have led to me saying words I don't normally say that are generally frowned upon by polite society. Which could have led James to put me in time out. (I may or may not be speaking from experience, here.)
Anyway, here are Aunt Sheri and Aunt Teri figuring out the lighting on Grandma's gorgeous tree. (Okay, so you can just see Aunt Teri's arm. No time to pose; there was work to be done.)
Note: There will be no pictures of me dropping and smashing one of the gold ornaments. And if Grandma is reading this . . .what gold ornament? Everything is fine. Just fine. No problem. (Just don't take inventory of the gold ornaments.)
Brianna and Hannah were tons of help--and they brought their cute babies for us to admire, which was totally fun (Hannah's little Faye is in my mom's arms in the background and Brianna brought her Carter. Cute babies, ladies!)
The thing that takes a lot of time with Grandma's tree is the beautiful Victorian village that she puts around the bottom. Grandma has been collecting these pieces for years and years, and they're SO lovely and SO much fun. And SO much work to set up. But the efforts are always well worth it! Just take a look:
Ta-Da! Now, that tree and room are well worth the effort of seven ladies working for six hours. Not to "toot our own horns" or anything, but . . . "TOOT TOOT!!!" If you ask me, this room could totally be on the cover of a Christmas magazine. Thank you, thank you, my wonderful aunts and cousins! This was truly a team effort.
Oh, and Bethany really got into the spirit of things, too, and had a ball decorating the other tree in the sun room with Aunt Sharon:
(You'll note that SHE didn't drop or smash any ornaments. Thank goodness she's not like her butterfinger momma.)
Grandma and Jay: your Christmas castle awaits. We can't wait to see you!!
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