Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Yes, I'm stealing the title for this post from one of my favorite books, Fine Old High Priests by Donald Smurthwaite. Love that book. Totally recommend it. But this post isn't about the book.
This post is about my honey, who was just ordained to the office of high priest this past Sunday. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS???!!????!! This means, folks, that James can now officially fall asleep during church and it's okay! :0)
All kidding aside, it was a really special occasion for me. You know, I wasn't there to see James ordained as a deacon, or teacher, or priest or elder. And since we're not banking on the fact that he'll be called as a seventy or an apostle :0) this is probably the only ordination I'll get to see! At least in this life, right?
The best part is, James's dad was able to do the ordination. As James's parents live in Southern Utah, and since Dad Lyman had major surgery last month, we weren't thinking he would be able to do it. But fortunately, he had an appointment in SLC on Thursday and was able to come up to stay for the weekend and be here on Sunday. Stan, Kristie and the girls also came up on Friday night, and stayed the weekend, and Steve, Lucy and Patrick also came down from Idaho. Throw Annie and Bethany and me into the equation, and it was a fun family frenzy all weekend long! The only ones missing were Bryan, Angie and Lexie--but as they had strep, they couldn't make it. We know they were there in spirit and we will henceforth Photo shop the pictures to put them in there. Or rather, we will have meant to Photo shop them in but in reality probably won't get around to it.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the big day! James and parents:
James and his brothers: (Again, Bryan, we know you were there in spirit)
Can't leave out the baby sister:
Or the daughter, father-in-law and wifey-pooh:
And here's the whole fam damily
except me (someone had to take the picture, after all). Anyway, it was a really special day and James's dad ordained him and pronounced a wonderful blessing. And now James has officially been released as EQ president and now embarks on his high priest journey as 2nd assistant in the group leadership. Just make sure, Sweetie, that if you DO fall asleep in church, DON'T SNORE. The jig is up once you start snoring . . .
What a wonderful blessing to be able to see your husband ordained a high priest! And the fact that your family was able to be there for it makes it just that much better. Please do let us know if any of those stereotypical High Priest traits (sleeping, snoring, etc in church meetings) happen to sneak into James' habits... :)
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