38 Reasons Why I Love James: Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy birthday to my sweet man! How do I love thee? Let me count 38 ways! (Note: There's no reason for the number 38--heavens, he's only turning 26 today . . .hee hee!)

1. I love the way he smells!
2. His funny little dances make me laugh.
3. I like the way he says "behind." (He says it like "BEE-hind." It's cute.)
4. He's so, so nice and patient with me when I'm not at my best.
5. He's even so, so nice and patient with me when I AM at my best.
6. I love the way he laughs.
7. He has light beams that shoot out of his eyes.
8. I love his clear, tenor voice. I could listen to him sing all day long.
9. He comes up with funny little jokes just like THAT (snap!).
10. He gives great hugs.
11. He's not a bad kisser, either . . .
12. He's such a good sport about whatever scheme I've cooked up.
13. He's so dang smart. What a mind! What a brilliant mind!
14. His heart is so very kind and very tender.
15. What a good dad he is. And not even afraid to change diapers.
16. He works hard, hard, hard and is such a good provider.
17. His inner child is alive and healthy. I like that in a grown-up.
18. He's glad to lend a hand to those in need.
19. I like how observant he is. (For a man, he's really quite observant, actually!)
20. What a friendly guy. Everybody likes James!
21. I love how he appreciates the beauty in life.
22. He cooks a mean scrambled egg with ham and cheese.
23. He wouldn't hurt my feelings for the world. I love that.
24. I really love the way he laughs. What a great laugh.
25. He's so dang CREATIVE and INVENTIVE. What talent!
26. He looks hot in his fedora.
27. He's quick to apologize when he's wrong, and quick to accept my apologies, too.
28. James has a tremendous amount of faith. I love that.
29. He always gives me his jacket when I'm cold.
30. His navigational skills are remarkable! He gets us where we need to go.
31. He's just a lot of fun, wherever we are.
32. He's thrifty, clean, brave, reverent . . .
33. His blonde hair in the sunlight is like living gold.
34. He hasn't met an object he can't stick to his forehead. Now THAT'S skill.
35. He stashes candy around the house like a POW stashes bread.
36. He's BRAVE and TOUGH and kills all of the hornets for me. Kill! Kill! Kill!
37. He can fix or build anything, from toilets to computers to sheds to basements...
38. He's "true at all times in whatsoever thing he is entrusted." And I trusted him with my heart almost 15 years ago--he's always taken GREAT care of it.

I guess I just love you because you're James. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!


Princess Lisa said...

That was a beautiful tribute!

I am incredibly intrigued by #34. Why have I not known of this skill?

And, I have to say....he's an excellent spider killer. And he doesn't even make fun of my fear of the the spider.

He's an amazing boss! Happy Birthday!

(James sent me to your blog yesterday....I have a lot of catching up to do! :D )

Lacey said...

Wow, what a man you have! That was a great tribute. Happy Birthday to him!

Lacey said...

I'm working really hard to get back into reading again. I've got a couple of books here that I've heard great things about, so hopefully they'll snap me out of my reading funk! :) I'll let you know if they're great.

As for the Harry Potter movie... like you, I have a hard time getting really into them because the books are just so darn good. I thought the 6th movie was really good, and they did a good job fitting in as much as they could, but so many of the plot lines I enjoy the most were just skimmed over or left out completely. Not one I'd say you need to rush out and see (you've read the book, so you already know what happens!), but definitely worth seeing sometime. Let me know your thoughts on it when you do see it!

And BTW: your adoption profile looks fabulous! If I hear of anyone looking to place a baby with an amazing family I'll definitely send them your way!

Elder and Sister Wright said...

Wow, Jennie! What a beautiful tribute to a very deserving man. He is so lucky to have a wife who can express herself so lucidly. I wish I could express myself half so well--but for my man, I'd need 69 reasons! I have them, I just couldn't express them. Happy Birthday, Jamers, you lucky guy!

Aunt Yvonne

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Uncle James!!! I love you guys so much!


Camille Thurston said...

Man, this is so cute. I'm excited for you two because you're a couple just like grandma and grandpa. Your love is the same and that is really inspiring. Thanks for loving your husband so much.

~Jake, Brianna, Jocelyn, and Carter~ said...

Happy Birthday, James! We all love you!