Baby Tate Greets His Public--Through the Glass

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We finally got to peek at little Tate tonight--through the NICU window! Oh my goodness, he is so little. He looks so much bigger in pictures than he does in person! (I think his head is about the size of my dad's fist.) But he's so cute and so very precious. He's still doing well, but has to be in NICU for awhile (maybe two to three weeks?). They're releasing Jamie tomorrow, and that will be sad for her to go home "without the prize" as she put it. But as long as he keeps thriving, we'll be grateful and try to be patient.

Bethany is getting used to visiting the hospital every day. In fact, when we pulled into the parking lot tonight, she looked up at the hospital and said, "Jamie's house!" Which is kind of true, for now anyway. Bethany loved seeing "Baby Tate" as she calls him. All evening, after we got home, Bethany kept saying, "Baby Tate, bed. Crying." We sure love that little guy! We can't wait to hold him, but we'd better. Below are some more pictures from his NICU debut! Please continue praying for him, everyone!


Angie said...

Congrats on the new nephew! Babies are so much fun! Bethany is getting so big and sounds like she's just super cute! We are planning a trip up north the weekend of Valentines Day and Presidents Day so we should try to get together then. Love you!

paulak said...

What a sweet little angel. Congrats. Glad he is healthy. Bethany is too cute.