The last time I blogged, it was March, 2012.
Now it is September, 2012.
ARRRRGHHHH!!! This means I have some
serious catching up to do, and I cannot decide whether to burst into tears at the sheer overwhelming-ness of the task or to simply get excited, because I really do love to blog so I guess I have a lot to look forward to. The last few months have been
amazing and they need to be documented or I deserve a swift kick to the bottom. So let's start where we left off. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you . . .
APRIL, 2012. (Please clap for me. All of this effort deserves a round of applause! I vow to NEVER get this far behind again--sigh.)
This past April, I officially became a SOCCER MOM! That's right--our little Bethany took to the field. Move over, Mia Hamm. (Is that how you spell "Hamm? I should Google that. Nah, too lazy and too much to write.)ANYWAY, what a fun adventure this turned out to be! Here are the top five things I loved about U6 soccer:
1) I loved how cute Bethany was in her soccer dress. I mean shirt. Which happened to look like a dress on her tiny frame:
2) I loved that the entire team moved as a big herd up and down the field. No one played positions at all--they all just grouped around the ball and ran back and forth, up and down. They were like llamas or sheep, all sticking together--only moving lots faster than llamas or sheep. So cute!
3) I loved the name of Bethany's team. They were "The Winning Cheetah Jaguars" or "WCJ" for short. You gotta admit, that name is original! And it took an extra few seconds for the team cheer every game. The other teams were like, "Go Thunder!" or something akin to that. But our team was "Go Winning Cheetah Jaguars!" A mouthful, to be sure!

4) I loved her coaches, Kristy and Kelly. They're in our ward and they've been our friends for years. They were the perfect coaches for Bethany, who was always a little hesitant and shy about really getting into the game. They worked so well with her--encouraging her, teasing her--they handled her absolutely the right way. And Bethany blossomed under their guidance.
5) I loved being out in the warm spring sunshine, lounging on the field while I cheered my baby on. And giving her water when she needed it.
Whether or not she plays next spring remains to be seen. She liked it, but did she like it enough? I guess we'll see! Either way, our April soccer season is a great memory for all of us!