Thursday, January 19, 2012
I strongly believe in many things, not the least of which is that when faced with a day like this:
There's only one thing to do: BAKE. Bake like there's no tomorrow. Bake until the Keebler Elves worry about job security. Bake like you don't give a [gram] about calories or weight gain. Bake until your kitchen and the smells emanating therefrom bring the entire neighborhood to its knees in anticipation. Bake until the scientists at Scentsy bang down your door, begging to make mouth-watering wax out of your sugar-n-spice aromas!
Okay, that entire paragraph was a little (or a lot) over-the-top. Sorry. But the truth of the matter is, when it rains--I just itch to bake. And today, cinnamon rolls were the evil foodstuffs of choice! But there's just one problem . . .see, I'm not that great at cinnamon rolls. Anytime I've attempted them on my own, well, they're sort of a flop. Take yesterday, for example; I followed my mother's recipe to a "T" and ended up with these bad boys:
Yeah. Not pretty. Tasty, to be sure (anything with butter and sugar will most likely somewhat please the palette) but you'd never put those babies in the display case at Kneaders (which is, incidentally, my new favorite place). So today I did what any self-respecting, aspiring baker would do: I called for some tutelage. I called for a "cinnamon roll making personal trainer." I called for my mommy. I packed up my ingredients, and Bethie and I headed to Grandma's for a cozy afternoon of baking bliss.
First, Bethie helped Grandma roll out the dough:
Then, they took a short break to pose for a quick picture--since I felt the whole thing was definitely a "Kodak moment."
Bethany loved helping Grandma sprinkle the brown sugar:
And then I taught her how to cut the roll into pieces with dental floss. (Note: we used cinnamon dental floss. I thought it apropos.)
Bethany did so well with the cutting, she ended up cutting the rest of them all by herself!
Three generations of baker women! (Note: I have not cut my hair. It's back in a rather untidy ponytail.)
And here's the result . . .TA-DA!!!
We did half with orange icing, half with maple. And (unlike the attempt from yesterday) they were yummy and soft and delicious and all that is right and good in America today!
Here's to my fledgling skills as cinnamon-roll-baker extraordinaire! And here's a big THANK YOU to my many neighbors and friends who helped me eat them up--I'm glad they didn't go to "waist" (namely, mine). :0)