Sunday, September 19, 2010
Yes, it's been over a month since I posted Part One of our Bear Lake trip. And do you know what? I'm just too tired to post much of Part Two, so here's the day in a very short synopsis:
We went to a different beach and flew kites:
I was so blissfully watching Bethany's first kite-flying experience that I failed to notice that she let the string run out, and away went the kite! Off it went, into the wild, blue yonder . . .
. . .and crashed right into the trees over by the porta-potties. Oh joy. And the kite was my cousin's, so I felt all responsible for it and did what any self-respecting, responsible woman would and should do. I sent my husband after it. And bless him, he saved it! Can we say, "HUSBAND OF THE YEAR???!!!"
And we went boating and water skiing again that second day, and it was SO fun. I didn't ski for long--I've not done it for years and I'm out of shape--but I was so glad that I could still do it!
But once again, our day was cut short with weather problems. Not thunder and lightening this time, but WIND. Lots and lots of wind that blew over our umbrellas and got sand in our eyes. And so we had to leave early again, dang it! But never you fear . . .